Thursday 14 August 2014

Igenous Rock classification

Igneous Rock Classification.gifIgneous rocks show a wide variation in mineral composition and texture due to conditions of crystallization. The most useful classification is based on mineralogy and texture.
Relative silica content – presence of quartz indicates excess of silica and felspathoids indicate deficiency of it.

Igneous Rocks

Igneous rocks are formed by cooling and solidification of magma.
  90% of the earth crust is composed of igneous rock.
  SiO2 (40% - 75%), Al2O3 (10% - 20%) and oxides of Ca, Mg & Fe
less than 10%.
  Acid magma is rich in Si, Na & K.
  Basics magma is rich in Ca, Mg & Fe.
  Based on the silica percentage present in the rocks, they are classified into four.