Saturday 16 August 2014

Structure of Igneous Rock

Flow Structure - parallel band or streaks which is caused by flow of magma or lava during cooling and crytallization.

Reaction Rims - when igneous rocks are formed reaction often takes place between the already formed rocks and the magma. if reaction is complete the earlier formed minerals disappear completely and if reaction is incomplete then reaction products frequently occur around the corroded mineral grains. Such zone is called reaction rim.
two types of reaction rims are there, coronas which is formed by primary magmatic reaction and kelyphitic borders developed during the secondary processes such as metamorphism.

Xenolithic structure - during the volcanic eruption foreign rocks fragment get entrapped within the magma and if it does not digest completely then they produces a heterogeneity texture.

Vesicular structures - the volcanic rocks which contain vesicles are said to have vesicular structure.

Amygdaloidal structure - If vesicles are filled with secondary minerals like calcite and zeolites then it is amygdaloidal.

Pegmatitic Structure - they show coarse and irregular type of crystallization.

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